Saturday, December 27, 2008

Double Date

Last night my boyfriend and I went on a double date with my parents, and it wasn't as bad as you think. We say Bedtime Stories and it was awesome! That gunia pig was sweet! Anyways afterwards we went to dinner at Red Lobster (yum) then went home. All in all, not that bad.

Tonight we have another double date, this time with friends. Then we're going to Yes Man, which has gotten some good reviews. Well...t.t.f.n.!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

La la la la LOVE!

Wow...I don't think I ever loved a guy until I got with my boyfriend. He's so amazing...and he keeps me calm, makes me want to be a better person. I know I got it right this time, he's the one I'm supposed to be with. It's weird because we're so different, he's nice, I'm a bitch, he forgives, I don't. But it's strange how well we click.

He accepts me and doesn't try to change me AT ALL. He supports me and most importantly, he understands me. He's my best friend and the love of my life. How did I get so lucky?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I don't understand...but I'm trying

I don't understand how people can be so taken with their Christian faith, but I'm trying. At one time I to felt like all my problems had been solved, that there was a God that loved me and accepted me for who I was. But then a question I never had problems with before came up.
Who am I?
The Bible told me most of the things I felt, the things that made me me...were wrong. Love all, forgive, abstinance. The guilt I felt for the way I felt was tearing me apart. Where before I had peace, now there was only conflict, misery, but still I tried. It was for the greater good wasn't it? My key to heaven, to salvation?
I often cried myself to sleep, it was so hard, so very hard. I envied those it seemed to come so easy for then felt guilty for my envy.
Then my eyes opened, my mind cleared, and I remembered who I was. It happened at a youth group, a woman I had looked up to, someone I believed to be a woman of God, stated her step-daughter wasn't allowd to show affection to her girlfriend infront of her siblings. That being gay was an abomination because the Bible said so and it wasn't acceptable to God. This woman who stated she judged no one, would not even accept her step-daughter becuase of a stupid book. Like I said, my eyes opened. This wasn't me.

I'm a bitch and I'll admit it with pride. Pride, yes thats me. I am the reason strict religious parents keep such a close watch on their children, so they don't become like me. I don't forgive unless I feel like it. I don't turn the other cheek. I fight back, not back down. I believe in me. I am my own salvation. I don't a book written by fools to tell me how I should be.

But still I'm to how people can believe in something that goes against natural instincts. To blindly put their faith in something. So I watch. I go to the Solid Rock and listen and watch the faithful.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Show at The Rock

I'm going to a show at the Solid Rock tonight. It's a christian band but they're screamo so not like I'd be able to understand what they're saying anyway. The only reason why I'm going is to spend time with my boyfriend anyway. He's basically the only reason why I go to the Solid Rock anyway since the christian thing isn't for me. I usually go there on Saturdays so I can see him and the rest of my friends too. It's pretty chill most of the time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Free Time

Since it's not busy at the moment I decided to write some more.

I'm listening to House of 1000 Corpses by Rob Zombie, this song so kicks ass, Living Dead Girl rocks too. They have some sexy beats.

Speaking of beats my new boyfriend play the drums and a bit of guitar not to mention how great his voice is. I could listen to him sing all day. I never thought it'd happen but I've turned into one of those girls who can't stop thinking about her guy and I call him which is wierd because I HATE talking on the phone. When ever I talk to him I have the biggest grin on my face. He said he does too.

Arg, I can't think of anything else to write so I guess I'm done for now.

Whoa, long time no write

I decided to take a look on here and was surprised at how long it's been since I've gotten on here. Not to much has happened, I'm still working at nTelos but yeseterday I finally got to swice departments. I now work in Retail Support and I LOVE IT! I was SO tired of hearing stupid customers all day every day. It's WAY more relaxed over here and we get to listen to music!!! If they let customer care reps listen to music while they work it would probably be a less stressful job.

Another big change is since the last time I posted I've broken up with my boyfriend and started dating someone else and let me tell you this...I think I've finally got it right! I'm dating a guy who's been one of my best friends for a while now, I've loved him for a while but never told him. To make a long story short I told him and it's a good thing I did because it was almost to late. Now I'm happier then I've ever been!

Oh something else...I've looked into Satanism, even read the Satanic Bible and it...well it's me. Most of the stuff in it is stuff I've always thought and felt. It's amazing how right it feels. Oh and just so everyone knows, all the stuff about Satanism you see in the movies is complete BULLSHIT! Satanists DO NOT sacrifice animals and children or sacrifice ANYTHING period. They don't have huge bloody orgies either. Basically it's a religion that lets you be you and encourages you to do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't cause harm to anyone. It's pretty amazing. To learn a bit more visit this site:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

nTelos Drama

We're only in the second week of training at nTelos and I think one of the trainee's got fired.
I heard he went off on a couple of the other trainee's during a group game and when we all went up to moniter he had to go see one of the managers.
Today when we came back into the "classroom" after a soft skills class (the first time we've done that) our "teacher" talked to him out in the hall then me and one of my work friends saw him walking towards the parking lot. We don't know if he got fired or what.

Hell No!

I had the worst dream last night. I drempt that I went back to my old job at Kroger (which I hated). Boy was I glad when I woke up and realised that it was just a dream. Working in a grocery store is absolute hell. I can only imagine what a bitch it would be to work in Wal-Mart.

Doggy On The Dashboard

Why is it when someone is talking in order to look interested the listener will bob their head? A dnot only do they bob their head but the REALLY bob it, I'm talking a doggy on the dashboard bob.

Then there's the "uh-huh" the listener says after each of the speakers sentances. Why can't people stay still and look at the person talking?


Training is going well at my new job, I can't wait until we get out new phones because there are some people who won't be getting my new number.
Anyway I'm learnin alot here and have already decided that when I get onto the floor I'm going to win the next phone they give away for most sales. The one they're giving away this time is a Motorola Manderin Rokr. It's okay I guess, I just want to win something, I've very competitive.

I'm prostitiuting my dog. A male was brought to our house to breed with her so hopefully everything turns out well and we get some Boston Terrier puppies.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Child Disipline

Okay people, notice something strange about kids today? Most of them are spoiled little ASSHOLES. Gee, wonder why. I think it's because alot of parents today think physical punishment is wrong. It's okay to spank your kids, really it is. As long as you don't go overboard and smack them across the face or beat them until they can't walk. I even know people (like my Father) who won't put kids in the corner for time out. It's just stupid! This is why kids don't have respect and grow up to be whiney shit-heads. So thank you for ruining your kids and setting them free on the rest of society.

On Abortion

Now I know this topic will really fire some people up so please, don't hold back and tell me what you feel.

Although abortion is something I'd never do (unless I find out something's wrong with the baby that will cause it pain & suffering it's entire life) I am COMPLETLY pro-choice. I believe it is the woman's choice and no one, especially a MAN should tell her it's wrong. A man will never have to make this choice because it's not their body. It sure makes it easy to pass judgement on someone when you never have to go through what they are. Now this opinion only goes for abortion before the three month mark (after which is illegal in the U.S.A.). Partail birth abortions are wrong. If you go through the pregnancy don't suddenly decide when you're six months pregnant to get an abortion. Give the kid up for adoption.

Now for those of you who think ALL abortion is wrong let me point out a few things. What if a woman gets raped and becomes pregnant from the rape? What if a woman (or young teenage girl) doesn't have the means to support a child? What if (through genetic testing) the woman find out the child has some horrible disease? And what if the woman's body is reacting badly to the pregnancy and risks her own life for a pregnancy that won't even reach full term?
Think about that before passing judgment.

Calling Customer Care

Okay people, something you should know when you call customer care (at least with cellular companies) is:
When they put you on hold...they can still HEAR YOU. You see sometimes they don't put you on hold, they just press mute so they can look up things and you can't hear what they're doing. So be warned, if you fart, curse, flush the toilet, etc. they can hear you.

Now, something else, if you call to change your billing address, have the new address written down. Something I find funny is when people call in wanting to know why their phone as been turned off. It's because they didn't pay the bill! Come on now, if you don't pay your bills things get turned off, common-freakin-sense.

Aww Hell

Let me start by saying I have the koolest freakin' parents like...ever. On my way to work this morning I got pulled over for speeding in a school zone. Now I was busy paying attention to the stupid RPM gadge on the explorer so I didn't see the school zone sign. After I got the ticket I was freaking out because my Dad said that I'll get taken off the insurance after my first ticket. When I got into work I called my mom and she told my dad. Luckily they're not pissed and I can get the ticket taken care of by taking some stupid driver improvment class. Hopefully I'll have enough money left over to get my car. I should, depends on how much the government take out of me for taxes. Anyway I'm just uber-glad that my parents are being so kool about this.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A day at my job

I think the part I like the most so far is monitering. It's when they put one of us trainees with another rep and we listen in on their calls. It's pretty interesting but I can't help but think how long it'll take for me to be able to fly through all the screens like they do. It's funny when people call all pissed about something that's their fault (like their phone getting turned off). Oh yesterday this lady called in wanting full phone records (calls, texts, ect.). The rep I was with said one time he got a woman who specifically said she wanted her husband's phone records. Man, I could get alot of ideas for stories and stuff from this job.

First week in the 'real' world

This week I started my first full time job, fun.
Actually it's not that bad. I work for a nTelos and I'm in training for the next three weeks. I thought this job would blow but I kinda like it. I can't wait to start really doing stuff like learning the different cell plans and such. I'm excited (and nervous) about going onto the floor (I'm a customer service rep btw).
Something I was worried about coming into the job was that I'd be the youngest person here but I'm not. One of my fellow trainees is my age and we get alone really well. I actually get along with everyone I've talked to so that's good.
I can't wait until training's done I can start helping people, sure I'll have to deal with pissed off people but I won't mind, I'm getting paid good money (not to mention good benefits) to deal with them so it'll be worth it.