Friday, September 12, 2008

Aww Hell

Let me start by saying I have the koolest freakin' parents like...ever. On my way to work this morning I got pulled over for speeding in a school zone. Now I was busy paying attention to the stupid RPM gadge on the explorer so I didn't see the school zone sign. After I got the ticket I was freaking out because my Dad said that I'll get taken off the insurance after my first ticket. When I got into work I called my mom and she told my dad. Luckily they're not pissed and I can get the ticket taken care of by taking some stupid driver improvment class. Hopefully I'll have enough money left over to get my car. I should, depends on how much the government take out of me for taxes. Anyway I'm just uber-glad that my parents are being so kool about this.

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