Friday, September 12, 2008

On Abortion

Now I know this topic will really fire some people up so please, don't hold back and tell me what you feel.

Although abortion is something I'd never do (unless I find out something's wrong with the baby that will cause it pain & suffering it's entire life) I am COMPLETLY pro-choice. I believe it is the woman's choice and no one, especially a MAN should tell her it's wrong. A man will never have to make this choice because it's not their body. It sure makes it easy to pass judgement on someone when you never have to go through what they are. Now this opinion only goes for abortion before the three month mark (after which is illegal in the U.S.A.). Partail birth abortions are wrong. If you go through the pregnancy don't suddenly decide when you're six months pregnant to get an abortion. Give the kid up for adoption.

Now for those of you who think ALL abortion is wrong let me point out a few things. What if a woman gets raped and becomes pregnant from the rape? What if a woman (or young teenage girl) doesn't have the means to support a child? What if (through genetic testing) the woman find out the child has some horrible disease? And what if the woman's body is reacting badly to the pregnancy and risks her own life for a pregnancy that won't even reach full term?
Think about that before passing judgment.

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